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Our Safeguarding Officer 

We are committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. Contact our local nominated safeguarding officer for advice or to see our safeguarding policy.













Need to contact the police?

Dial 999 in an emergency or dial 101 for non-emergencies.


Concerned about the welfare of a child or young person?

NSPCC free 24/7 helpline:                              0808 800 5000

Children’s Social Services:                              0191 277 4636


Useful numbers

Childline                                                          0800 1111

Samaritans                                                      08457 90 90 90

Domestic Abuse Helpline                             0800 247 2000


Diocesan contact:

Carol Butler, Safeguarding Advisor                

07825 167 016


The Parish Safeguarding Handbook can be downloaded here


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Hilary Harrison

0191 2850047


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